I've brought back my dad's Canon 10D digital SLR camera and the lenses he had on the last trip back to Ipoh. I had gone on a trip to Mansfield and "Mount Buller":http://mtbuller.com.au/ in country Victoria, so this was as good an excuse as any to give the camera a go."Mansfield and Mt Buller photo set":http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonathanpoh/sets/101371/ The views were spectacular, as was the wildlife around us. There were kangaroos literally hopping around in the property I stayed at -- "Burnt Creek Cottages":http://www.burntcreekcottages.com.au/. The place is even better than the photos on their site depict. I tried taking some photos of birds with the 400mm zoom lens, but they are nowhere near the quality of my dad's digiscoping technique. And not being a bird watcher, I couldn't identify all but the most common of birds seen there. Any help in identification would be appreciated. I've also started using "Flickr":http://www.flickr.com/ for my photos and the more I use it the more I'm impressed with the features and functionality of it. I can very easily email photos from my cameraphone and even create a blog entry if I so wanted to.