In about a month's time I'm making a trip to the United Kingdom. It's all very exciting, I've never been there before, or anywhere in Europe for that matter.It would be the furthest I've travelled and the longest time spent on a plane, though the flight stops at Dubai, so it's not too bad, I hope. The trip will be a welcome break for some R&R (Chinese New Year back in Ipoh hardly counts, with all the festivities), and also a chance to do a bit of sightseeing that side of the world. I've been telling myself that I'd go do some travelling when I have some money saved up, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Just bit the bullet and put the airfare on the credit card. If I keep holding back I'll be in a wheelchair before I see the world! Will figure out how to pay it all off in time. I'll probably be based mainly in the northern region, in and around Leeds, staying with Simon. Would be popping over to Manchester for sure, and I'll catch up with Jason there. Might make a few day trips to the other towns and villages, and definitely going to London for a few days. Need to do the touristy things there and visit the Apple Store :). I've got some relatives there which I've not seen for years and would be visiting. If I have the time and money, I also hope to hop over to Europe and see a bit. Paris, Amsterdam and Barcelona have particular appeal. Have to check out the budget airlines and see what's available. I also want to ride on the Eurostar in the Channel Tunnel. I know it's just a long ride in a dark tunnel but still, the idea of taking a train under the sea is a fantasy come true. On the way back, making a 3 day stop-over in Dubai so that should be interesting as well, seen and heard quite a lot about it. I'm looking forward to meeting up with my friends, and also make some new ones along the way. I'd also be looking to establish some contacts in the web design world over in the UK, so if anybody in Leeds, London or anywhere in the UK wants to meet up, please get in touch!